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Your economic potential with WASTEER

Your partner for a holistic solution

From waste analysis to optimized waste steering

WS Plan
Automatic dispatch planning

  • Plant-oriented dispatch planning

  • Predicting customer and facility behaviour

WS Pass
The central location for all data

  • CRM functions for all customer information

  • Any Waste information in one database

Improve Germany's CO2 balance with Wasteer

10k t

through less fluctuation in calorific value thanks to optimized waste delivery and mixing

Fuel oil savings

137k t

through better analysis of waste and its early detection and subsequent recycling.

Plastic reduction

55k t

through the detection and subsequent removal of harmful and disruptive substances.

Operating resources reduction

18k t

Due to fewer system failures, less waste has to be diverted and therefore travels less distance on European roads.

Logistics reduction

4k t

By reducing residual materials such as slag or filter ash, both the logistics of removal and underground disposal can be minimized.

Residue minimization

WS Inspection
Digital waste control

  • Waste controls in 5 minutes

  • Automatic calorific value calculation

WS Scan
AI based interference detection

  • Automatically detect interfering objects and chunkiness

  • Assignment of detected objects to customers

WS List

Smart plant list

  • Live overview of all waste at the plant

  • Targeted bunker gate assignment

Your economic potential with WASTEER


through less fluctuation in calorific value thanks to optimized waste delivery and mixing

Increase throughput


through scheduling and energy-controlled combustion. 

Increase energy revenues


through more reliable waste analysis and the associated more even combustion.

Reduce operating resources


by improving the calorific value and burnout.

Reduce support fire


by automatically detecting contaminants and removing them early.

Avoid system downtime


through an optimized mix of waste and more reliable waste analysis.

Reduce residues

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Intelligent waste analysis and management

We digitize and analyze your waste streams so that you can use them more sustainably and profitably.

What our

customers say

Waste controls are now a win-win; we meet the legal requirements and use the knowledge about waste" - Production Manager

With WS Scan at my side, I can now concentrate entirely on the optimal heating value when driving the crane" -Crane Operator

I now have a tool to conduct my customer conversations in a targeted manner, through waste information in WS Pass" -Logistics Manager

Your partner for a holistic solution

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